She's a Maniac
by Springer

Okay, here's a quickie that phoenix asked for. It's similar to Phantom's 'Debriefed' only it's with Mags and Phoenix. Hopefully, she's gonna do one for me as well. (hint, hint) Enjoy!!
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"Hi Mags," Phoenix said. Ultra Magnus smiled at her and sat down at the conference table, shuffling some notes before he began the briefing. Normally Optimus would be doing this, but he and Alita were off on some well deserved vacation. Magnus waited until everyone was present before he began. "Alright, let's get down to business. First of all, the human goverment has requested that all Autobots wear temporary licenses while in any city limit." There were groans from everyone and Magnus held up his hand. "I know how everyone feels about this. But this has become a serious problem, due to the fact some Autobots oftentimes ignore the speeding limit."
Phoenix tuned out most of his talking and just concentrated on his face. The way his lips practically curved around each word; how his optics softly glowed in attentive conversation; the way his head nodded in silent agreement whenever he agreed with a speaker. Phoenix jumped in surprise when she felt moisture gather on her seat. She had no idea she was getting wet just *looking* at her partner. Especially after their wild honeymoon. Phoenix smiled to herself as a wicked thought crossed her central processor. 'If I'm going to get wet, might as well let my loving partner in on the action as well.'
The crimson femme non-chalantly put her hand on Magnus's thigh and gently squeezed it. Magnus started slightly as he felt her hand agonisingly close to his cod-piece. His expression remained neutral as he moved closer to her and hissed, "What are you doing?" Phoenix merely shrugged and said, "Nothing much." Magnus groaned; he couldn't do a thing while in the middle of a breifing, so he had to grin and bear it, so to speak.
Phoenix's hand inched ever closer to the city commander's cod-piece as Magnus continued on with the briefing. Perceptor rose to do his regular science report and Magnus shifted in his seat, as if preparing to be there a while. Phoenix stifled a laugh as she partially unlatched his cod-piece and began stroking his interface, which was semi-erect. Magnus gripped the table suddenly and everyone fixed him a worried gaze. "Are you alright, Magnus?" Perceptor asked. "Yes, I'm fine." Magnus's voice was slightly higher and strained. "Please, continue."
Perceptor shrugged and continued with his report, oblivious to the silent torture Ultra Magnus was enduring. Phoenix's hand began pumping his erection and it took all Magnus had from screaming in pleasure. Instead what came out was a soft moan, and the table creaked slightly as his grip tightened even more. Phoenix couldn't contain herself anymore and a huge grin appeared on her face. Suddenly her hand was drenched as he came all over the floor. Phoenix clamped a hand over her mouth and it was all she could do to keep from screaming in laughter.
It was a good thing Transformers couldn't blush, or else Magnus would've turned a deep red. Perceptor concluded his report and Magnus quickly stated, "Alright everyone, this briefing is concluded. Dismissed." Everyone stood up and left, including Phoenix. "Oh no you don't!" Phoenix turned around and said, "Sorry, dear. I have tons of work to do. See you later, Mags." She walked over to him and gave him a peck on the cheek. She left Magnus alone with his cod-piece on the floor, ejaculate all over the floor, and his mouth wide open in shock.
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