Life's a Beach
by Blackbird
rating: ***+op

Author's note: This story was requested be my friend Yuna, who also helped me come up with some of the scenes. It takes place in the first season of Beast Wars and really doesn't apply to the rest of my smut. That being said, enjoy the story.
Cheetor walked lazily along the shore line. He was actually supposed to be patrolling it, but he hadn't seen any signs of the Preds the whole time he had been there. His ears perked up as he heard a rumbling over head. He looked up and noticed for the first time that the sky was grey.
"Looks like it's gonna rain," he said to himself. "Better head back then. I hate getting my fur wet. It takes forever to get that slaggin' smell out!"
He turned out and was about to leave, when he heard a twig snap. He looked up at some of the few trees there and spotted Blackarachnia standing in one in beast mode.
"Cheetor Maximize!" he shouted, then transformed.
He took out his quasar rifle. He shot at Blackarachnia, but she jumped out of the way. She transformed in mid-air, then angled herself so that she kicked Cheetor straight in the chest. He flew back a few feet and then slid in the sand a bit. Before he could get up, Blackarachnia walked over to him and sat on his crotch. Her claws latched onto the sides of his cod piece, and she forcible removed it, breaking the latches. A bolt of lighting struck when she did this. Cheetor gasped as the cold air ran over hit now exposed unit. Before he could do anything, Blackarachnia bent down and claimed his mouth with hers in a heated kiss, forcing her tongue into his mouth. Cheetor simply laid there, not really knowing what to do. He really couldn't believe this was actually happening. Well, believe it or not, Blackarachnia's ministrations were beginning to have an effect on him as he felt his interface beginning to harden up. Blackarachnia felt this as well and helped him along by gyrating her hips on his rapidly rising member. Once she was positive he was up completely, she broke off the kiss and took a nice, long look at his rod. She looked back up at him with a satisfactory smile on her face.
"Quite a nice rod you got here kitty cat," she complimented.
"Uh...thanks," Cheetor said, still not sure what to make of all this.
"You're welcome. Now shut up so you don't ruin the mood."
With that, Blackarachnia took off her own armor and let Cheetor gaze at her nude body, which he gladly did. She could tell by the way his interface twitched, he was impressed by her beauty. After a minute, she left herself up, then lowered herself back down onto Cheetor's shaft. She sat there for a second, then began to move up and down his stem.
Cheetor moaned as Blackarachnia started to ride him. He didn't know why she chose him, but he wasn't complaining. He did remember her giving off a rather pleasant smell even before she took off her armor, and it only increased when she did take it off. He remembered Tigatron once saying something about when a female's in heat she gives off a certain smell. Maybe that's what was going with her. What ever it was, he wasn't complaining! He closed his optics and laid his head back, enjoying the sensations going through his body. He opened his optics again when he noticed something hit his forehead. He didn't see anything, but felt something else fall on his shoulder. He looked at it and saw exactly what he didn't want to: a raindrop.
No! Please not now! If it rains, she might stop! his mind screamed.
Unfortunately, nature was not on his side. There was another thunder clap, then a down pour of rain started. Fortunately luck was with Cheetor because Blackarachnia continued to glide up and down on his rod.
Blackarachnia moaned as she continued to move up and down on Cheetor. The rain only served to spur on her arousal. She could feel the rain cascading over her body. She loved how the cool water played with her overheated body and especially her core. It seemed to make this whole situation even more erotic. She looked down at Cheetor and watched as the rain poured over him as well. She moved her claws over his chest and looked into his optics. She was actually surprised by the size of him. She was little disappointed that he wasn't helping that much, but that quickly changed as he clasped his hand on her hips and began to push her up and pull her down.
Cheetor grunted as he helped Blackarachnia rise and fall on his member. He watched as rain poured over her body. He was amazed at how it seemed to increase her beauty. The way the water rolled over her breasts and off her nipples, sort of like miniature waterfalls. Cheetor smiled at that thought and made a small thrust up into Blackarachnia. He moved her up and down faster as he felt a tightness begin to build up in the base of his rod. This was it, he could feel it. He threw his head back and roared as he came, jetting cum deep into Blackarachnia.
Blackarachnia screamed as Cheetor's orgasm set off her own. She continued to move up and down him as her orgasm completely took her over. When she recovered from it, she laid down on top of Cheetor, breathing heavily.
Cheetor took in a few breaths, then wrapped his arms around Blackarachnia. He simply laid there, taking in what had just happened. His first time had been with a Predacon. And an attractive one at that. He moved his hands up and down her back, letting the rain cover them. Blackarachnia lifted her head and smiled at him.
"Was it good for you too?" she asked, still smiling.
"Yeah," Cheetor breathed.
"Glad you enjoyed it. Well, it was a surge, but I've got to leave now."
After that, Blackarachnia stood up and was about to turn and leave, but before she could, Cheetor lunged at her and tackled her to the ground. Before she could fight back, Cheetor plunged his head between her legs and darted his tongue past her slick folds. She moaned as his tongue ran over her clit. She wrapped her legs around his neck and began to move her hips up to meet his mouth. This was something else that took her by surprise at how well her could do it.
The kitty cat's....full...of....surprises, she barely thought through the waves of pleasure washing over her.
She brought her pinchers down and forced his head into her as far as she could. He complied by licking her faster and nibbling on her a bit. She continued to moan as the rain continued to pour down on her. She watched as it poured over her body. Some of it even slid down to meet Cheetor's mouth. She looked at his head which was still firmly planted between her legs. She moaned louder and as she felt her orgasm growing closer. All it would take is one more lick, one more nibble.
"Primus! I'm so close! Like me faster! Make me cum! Yes! Yes! I-I'm c-cum-AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Blackarachnia cried out as she came, her back arching.
Her whole body convulsed as she gave into her orgasm. She continued to shake as she rode it out. When she was finally done, she laid back down on the soft sand and let the rain cool her body again.
Cheetor lifted his head and smiled at her. Blackarachnia smiled back at him, then noticed her was hard again.
"Stand up kitty cat," she ordered in a seductive tone.
"Uh....OK," Cheetor replied, a little unsure of what she was going to do.
When he stood up, he gasped as the rain ran over his hard unit. When he was use to the feeling, he watched as Blackarachnia got to her knees and crawled over to him. She placed a pincher on the base of his rod and began to move it up and down his shaft. She smiled as he groaned, then brought her lips up to the tip of his unit and kissed it. A shudder went through his body when she did. Cheetor now knew exactly what she was going to do and couldn't wait 'til she did. Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long. She took his swollen member between her lips and began to suck on him vigorously. Cheetor groaned and fought to keep his knees from going out on him. He loved the way her tongue licked along the bottom of his cord while her teeth gently scrapped along the top of it. He couldn't believe how it felt. It was almost as good as when they actually interfaced, but no quite. Still, he knew it was going to get him off soon enough. In fact very soon. Blackarachnia must have sensed this because she began to suck on him even faster. Cheetor began to make thrusts into her mouth, trying anything to send him over the edge. Fortunately, Blackarachnia provided that by biting down slightly on his rod. The sensation was enough to set Cheetor off. He threw his head back and shouted as she spewed ejaculate into Blackarachnia's mouth. When he was finished, she took him out of her mouth and smiled at him.
"Well, that was fun, but now I really have to leave," she told him. "I hope you think of me on all those lonely nights."
Before Cheetor had a chance to say anything, Blackarachnia gathered up her armor, transformed into beast mode and left. Cheetor stared at her for a moment, then shouted as an energon surge went through his body. He picked up his cod piece, shoved it into subspace, then transformed into beast mode, and found a cave to wait out the storm in. He laid down and simply stared out the mouth of the cave. Out of all the Pred experiences he thought he'd have today, he never would have imagined it to be the one he did have. He did know one thing, he'd never look at a storm or the beach the same way ever again.
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