Guilty Pleasures
by Phantom

Author's note: This fic is set within my Optimus/Rodimus universe, where the two are co-leaders. It also mentions events that take place in my mainstream fic, Distant Early Warning. Higher Power is set in a sort of alternate reality, so this story is written as if the events in that one never happened. Optimus has a mate named Andromeda, but Rodimus is a free agent, and a renowned player.
* * * * *
Pandemonium had struck the Autobot base in Iacon. Utter chaos reigned. Several 'bots streaked by minus their armor coverings, others ran on a pillaging and looting spree, still others were hooking up with their mates in quite public locales. Something had to be done, and fast!
According to Ratchet, there was a sort of airborne virus that affected the CPU of a Cybertronian, eliminating inhibitions and thereby allowing normally controlled and suppressed desires to come to the forefront. The medical staff was sequestered in an airless, sterile room, working on an anti-virus. The security force had a hell of a task between reigning in the wayward Autobots, and keeping control over their own urges.
Rodimus had caught himself spray-painting a creatively offensive message on Kup's office door. He dropped the can and clutched his head, forcing himself to regain control. This was crazy! He turned and goggled in disbelief as Ultra Magnus sauntered by with not one, but *two* willing femmes! Maybe this virus thing wasn't so bad after all
Though he would much rather continue defacing Kup's door, he forced himself to head down to Medbay. The medical staff was having quite a time working in a vacuum. How's it going? he asked, standing outside the protective barrier that kept out the infectious atmosphere.
Ratchet responded with a scowl. We've isolated the contaminant. Seems it came in aboard a shipment of dilithium crystals from Dracon Two. This particular strain is rather stubborn, and we haven't quite been able to defeat it. The anti-virus won't be available for approximately another two hours. Once it's ready to go, we'll pump it through the ventilation ducts. It will be a lot easier than injecting each Autobot individually.
Sounds good. Keep up the good work, guys. Rodimus gave them all an approving nod and headed off down the corridor. He intended to just go to his quarters and wait for this all to be over, but he found himself passing by his door and continuing on down the hall, stopping in front of Optimus' door. The elder Prime had been the smart one, locking himself in his quarters as soon as this whole mess started.
He pressed the door chime and waited. Nothing but silence. He tried again. Finally, Optimus responded through the intercom, Who is it?
It's me, Roddy. A few more moments of silence passed, then the door slid open. He stepped inside, looking around the quarters that were as familiar to him as his own.
Optimus stood as he entered, looking at him expectantly. So how are things going, Rodimus?
Roddy came a few steps closer. I just spoke to Ratchet. He hopes to have an anti-virus ready in about two hours. I hope it's sooner than that, because things are really getting crazy out there. The brig is already crammed full, and security is having a hell of a time getting everyone else into spare briefing rooms or restricting them to quarters. It's gonna take quite awhile to clean up after this one.
Optimus nodded. This has certainly disrupted our daily operations. Luckily Teletran Three has been locked down, or we could be in some serious trouble.
Roddy felt his friend's intense gaze focused on him, and he shifted slightly. Optimus' stares were always a bit disconcerting. What is it?
Optimus seemed to hesitate for a moment. You could have given me an update over the comm. link or via e-mail. Why did you come here, Roddy?
It was Rodimus' turn to stare. I think you know, he murmured.
To the untrained eye, Optimus' expression did not change at all, but Rodimus clearly saw his optics widen slightly. He stepped back slightly as Rodimus advanced, until he bumped into the back of the sofa. Roddy, we
we shouldn't, he stammered. His optics darkened slightly as Rodimus reached out to caress his neck with his thumb.
Rodimus didn't need their shared Matrix link to read the signs. You can't lie to me, Optimus. You want this as much as I do, if not even more.
Prime turned his head away, looking ashamed. Why did he feel this way? This was wrong in so many ways! He had a mate, and Rodimus was his dearest friend! But he could no longer deny the way he felt. He was unsure precisely when it had happened, but through all of their time spent together, working so closely and becoming so intimately linked through the Matrix, an attraction had formed between the two Primes. It was something that was never discussed or acknowledged for fear of straining their close friendship, but it was undeniable all the same. Nothing had ever come of it. Well, almost nothing. One night, when Optimus was staying over just for a guy's night, Rodimus had awoken from a particularly bad nightmare. Prime had provided what comfort he could, and afterward, seemingly on instinct, Roddy had kissed him. Optimus had merely given him a gentle smile and held him close, understanding that Rodimus had not quite known what he was doing, already having been half-asleep. The next day, Optimus had said nothing about the incident, and Roddy had figured that he had merely dreamed it. There had also been times when, in deep sleep, their essences had wound about each other in a form of mind sex. This time, Optimus was the one that seemed to dismiss the occurrence as a dream.
Roddy grasped his chin and forced him to look him directly in the optics. Optimus found himself captivated by those baby-blue depths, his will being slowly sapped away. It was so hard to think! He found he didn't want to think at all, but take those luscious lips between his own, and press that divine body against him. He had been fighting this for so long, and he just didn't have the strength anymore.
Strong hands reached up and gently unfastened his mask, revealing a very handsome face with strong, sculpted cheeks and full lips. Rodimus moved forward slightly, and Optimus put his hand against his chest to stop him. The touch was firm and meant to be a deterrent, but Roddy's chest was so smooth and warm, and the pressure lessened, his gaze softening. His hand seemed to have a will of its own, tracing gently over the Autobot brand, then moving to caress the flame pattern. How he wanted to press that chest to his own!
Roddy caressed his cheek with his thumb, and Prime's optics went nearly indigo with desire. Despite his earlier protests, everything about him was saying yes to a desire he could never bring himself to confess. Encouraged, Roddy slowly closed the distance between them, taking those sweet lips in a kiss. Optimus tasted like very sweet Energon, and Rodimus was intoxicated with it. He broke off the kiss, looking at his friend, gauging his reaction. Prime's lips were parted slightly, inviting more. Never one to disappoint, Roddy pulled him into an even deeper kiss. Optimus returned the pressure this time, moving his lips against Roddy's softly. A shiver of desire ran through the link. Feeling drunk with it, Optimus gently opened his mouth, encouraging more intimate contact. Rodimus moaned and increased the pressure, enthralled that such a simple kiss could be so divine. He had wanted to do this for so long! From the way Prime's hand came up to the back of his head to pull him even closer, he felt the same way.
Roddy felt his interface stir to life, amazed at how this was affecting him. He couldn't remember the last time he'd gotten aroused over a kiss! But then again, what a kiss! He pressed closer, feeling Optimus shiver, and a blue hand came down from his chest to land on his right hip strut. The touch made him weak with desire, and through the link he knew that Optimus had already reached full arousal. While pressing his lips against Prime's in a heated kiss, he brought his left knee between his legs to press gently at Prime's codpiece. Optimus cried out lustfully against his mouth, and the link flared with arousal. Gods, it all felt so damn good!
Things were very quickly reaching the point of no return. Optimus, Roddy whispered, the very sound of his name spoken in such a husky manner enough to make the elder Autobot ache, are you okay with this? I don't want to ruin things between us.
Please, Optimus whimpered, don't stop, Roddy! I need this! He'd had no idea that a male, especially Rodimus, could make him feel like this.
Needing no more encouragement, Rodimus guided his weak-kneed friend through the apartment to his large, luxurious recharge bed. Optimus stretched out on it and gazed at him with limpid, glowing optics, expressing his desire. Rodimus gave him a gentle, loving smile, coming to lie next to him on his side. They kissed once more, letting the heat between them rise. Roddy broke it off, moving down to his neck and sucking on it gently. Optimus hissed, hands convulsing around Roddy's back. Roddy looked quite pleased by the reaction, allowing Prime's desire to rise very slowly. He trailed kisses down his neck to his chest, where he caressed the seams of the chest armor. Optimus took in air to cool his overheating systems. He'd had no idea he was so sensitive there! Roddy! he gasped as his Second began to line his chestplate with kisses. Oh, that feels so good!
A thrill ran down Roddy's back as those words. It was so good to give Optimus pleasure, who had felt nothing but pain for so long. He reached out through their link, rubbing against Prime's mind with his own, mingling their arousal. His lips slipped lower, down to the metal grill-like panel that covered Prime's abdomen. Ooh, yes! came the breathless response. Muscle cables twitched under the taut steel skin. Optimus Prime was quickly becoming a melting puddle of arousal as Roddy worked him over. He moved again, this time to the sculpted white thigh that lay spread for his ministrations. His gentle nips were quickly driving the Autobot leader mad, his hands trembling as they held Roddy's head. He simply could not stop the cries that escaped his vocal unit.
His hand moved down to rub the back of Prime's knee, and Optimus mewled a protest, wanting those hands somewhere else! RRoddy! he gasped. I I want
Rodimus sat up and admired his handiwork. Optimus lay stretched out before him, droplets of coolant beading on his stimulated body. His optics were darkened to a beautiful indigo, and his lips were parted. His legs were spread wide, inviting a more intimate caress. Roddy wanted to make love to him sweetly, to bring him to the heights of ecstasy. He knew from their link that Optimus was beyond ready, close to desperation, his burning erection still sandwiched in its covering. If Rodimus kept up this cruel pleasurable torture, he would simply lose all control before the armor was even released.
Is this what you want? Roddy asked, planting a teasing kiss on the blue strip of metal.
Optimus writhed beneath him and gasped, Yes! Ah, that's it!
Rodimus continued to kiss the metal teasingly, relishing the desperate whimpers of his lover. Please! Roddy, *please*! Prime moaned. Finally taking pity on him, Rodimus reached down and grasped the codpiece, tugging on it. He soon realized that there had to be some sort of trick to it, for it wouldn't budge. With a grimace of need, Prime reached down and twisted it to the left, releasing the catches. Rodimus watched in rapt anticipation as he removed the armor. A surprisingly large gush of precum was released, flowing out of the codpiece and coating Prime's waist. He had seen Optimus naked before, when his friend had shyly disarmored before him to take a solvent shower or to curl up beside him for recharge when he stayed the night. But he had never had the pleasure of admiring it up close, seeing it in its fully proud and erect state, swollen and throbbing with need. It was simply magnificent, long and thick, the same royal blue color of his codpiece and lower legs. It was every bit as long as Roddy's own endowment, he noted with pleasure. It would be quite a treat to stimulate this beautiful rod to orgasm.
He caressed the tip lovingly with his thumb, Optimus bucking under his grasp. He could clearly take no more teasing. Rodimus gave the protrusion a loving kiss, wanting to take it in its mouth and suck it to completion, but he wanted to be on top of Optimus, feeling every inch of him. Smiling, he eased his bulk over Prime's shuddering form, covering him. Optimus groaned at how good it felt to have Roddy's weight atop him. He was so warm, his body sculpted in all the right places. Roddy reached between them and unsnapped his codpiece, then rubbed his slick erection against Prime's throbbing, needy one. Oh, it was all so wet and warm and good! He never wanted it to end!
Rodimus captured his lips in a hungry kiss, and he was lost. Optimus stiffened beneath him, his erection swelling, poised on the brink, then he crested, the release thundering down upon him. He was mindless to everything but sensation, Rodimus stimulating him physically and mentally, milking his climax. Finally he sank down on the bed, drained and sated. It had all been so unbelievably good! Gods, Roddy, he panted. That was incredible!
Rodimus smiled and kissed him affectionately. He moved slightly, and Optimus felt a hard bulge pressing into him, smearing his sticky release on both of their abdomens. Roddy! Prime exclaimed. You didn't
. You're still
Roddy kissed his forehead. That was for you. It was hard to hold back when I felt your release through the link, but I managed. I wanted the pleasure to be all yours. He curled up next to Optimus and embraced him.
Prime returned the hug, relishing the loving gesture. He lay for several long, enjoyable minutes in Roddy's arms. Finally he sat up and began to trail his hand up and down Roddy's side, relishing the shiver that his touch enticed. It's my turn now, he purred, and Rodimus shuddered, a few drops of precum leaking out at the sensual tone. Optimus indulged his long-held fantasies and traced the flame pattern on his chest idly with a fingertip, causing Rodimus to squirm pleasurably. The young Second-in-command hissed when the finger was replaced by gentle lips, kissing their way slowly over his chestplate.
Optimus took his time to slowly explore Roddy's body, as he had yearned to do for so long. Rodimus was truly a work of art, as befitted the son of Primus. He touched the white mark on Roddy's forehead, the piping that ran down his arms, the spoiler that graced his back. His captive moaned and shuddered at every touch and kiss, his own need quickly reaching a critical level. He had gotten worked into a pretty good state just by touching Optimus, and now having the gesture returned was quickly driving him out of his mind. Optimus himself was taking a rather sadistic pleasure in torturing Roddy as he himself had been tormented just a short while ago. You like to tease me, Roddy, don't you? he growled in his lover's audial. I remember that time in my office, when you kept me hard for two hours, just doing seductive things like crossing your legs and sucking on your finger, acting so innocent, like you didn't know what you were doing to me. I tried to shield the link, but I'm willing to bet that you knew exactly what you were doing. I came within seconds after you left. All it took was one touch. You're an insufferable tease, and I think it's time you got a little of your own back. His hand roved over the yellow and red abdomen, wrenching a desperate sob from the young Autobot's throat.
Prime felt his own erection twitch at the erotic sound, his arousal returning full force. Roddy's body was such a pleasure to touch! He shut out the pleading that came through the link, pointedly ignoring the pulsating rod between those lovely legs, choosing instead to caress one of those magnificent thighs. The teasing touch was rapidly becoming too much for him, and Rodimus arched, whimpering. Ahh god! he cried. Touch me, please!
Optimus fixed him with a very uncharacteristic smirk as he finally ran one fingertip up the swollen bulge. The shaft was graced with a flame pattern that wrapped around the entire length, capped with a red tip. Rivulets of precum streamed down, streaking the flames. So this is how you got the name Hot Rod, he teased, relenting and taking the entire shaft in his hand.
Mmmm yes! Faster now, that's it, Roddy groaned. He knew that this was Prime's first real time with a male, and he was surprisingly good but still needed a bit of guidance. He hissed as a blue thumb stroked over the sensitive head. Very good indeed!
It was enjoyable indeed to see Rodimus Prime, cocky seducer of a large portion of the Autobot army, reduced to a helpless, begging heap. Unsure and a bit nervous, Optimus knelt and took the bulging red tip in his mouth. He wasn't quite sure what to expect, but the taste was actually pretty good, and the reaction he elicited was definitely encouraging. He eased more of it into his mouth, trying to remember what Andromeda had done to make him feel good. Rodimus was moving beneath him and whimpering, so he figured he was doing fairly well.
Roddy groaned and sent him a mental image of what he wanted. Optimus froze, staring at him in shock. You want me to do *that*? Is that even physically possible?
Yes, I assure you. Roddy was dripping with coolant, highly aroused at the thought of what he wanted Optimus to do. Please, Optimus, it's been so long since I've been with another male. I really need this!
Optimus was rather hesitant. It seemed like such a strange thing to do, and he remembered all too vividly Orion's experience with Imperious all those millions of years ago. The Autobot elder and head of the Cybertronian Council had been more interested in taking Orion by force than making the experience pleasurable. It had been such a traumatizing experience that it had remained buried until only recently. Rodimus reassured him, giving him mental images and sensations, showing him how it was meant to be. He wanted Prime to be the instigator, the one to give pleasure, to get a feel of how it could truly be between males.
Shyly, he pulled Roddy against him, moving so they both were on their sides. His hand timidly caressed the round, shapely aft, and Rodimus moaned and squirmed in his grasp. Are you sure? Optimus murmured in his audial. This won't hurt you?
It'll feel good! he gasped in reply. Please, it's what I want. If we use some lube, it won't be painful at all.
Optimus smiled and kissed him. Okay, Roddy. I want to make you happy. I'll do whatever will bring you pleasure
Rodimus pulled a small bottle of lubricant from his subspace pocket. Prime took it from him, looking a little perplexed. At Roddy's excited nod, he coated several fingers with the liquid and brought them to the tiny hole in his aft that was designed to accommodate a plug for extra power during recharge. He brushed the hole with a finger, then slid it inside an inch. It seemed hardly possible that such an act could be enjoyable, but Roddy let loose an erotic moan, ecstasy written all over his features. More! Deeper, please! Optimus slid his finger in as deeply as possible, rubbing against the sensitive sensors within. Rodimus arched his back, precum dribbling from his erection at an astonishing rate, forming a small puddle. Another? Prime whispered, and it was all his partner could do to nod weakly. Optimus obliged him, slipping in a second finger and pumping them both back and forth smoothly.
Rodimus could not stop the shudders that wracked him. It felt so good to be penetrated! He had forgotten how delightful it was to have someone filling him, and he wanted more than anything to have Optimus pleasure him in that way. Now! he moaned. I can't wait any longer!
Prime withdrew his fingers, watching as his lover got shakily to his feet. Roddy came to stand at the foot of the recharge berth and bent over, positioning himself. Optimus came to stand behind him, still a bit unsure about this, but highly enjoying the view. He ran a hand down the broad, trembling back, down to the inviting aft, thinking about the many times he had wanted to cup and squeeze it. This elicited an imploring whimper. Extremely exited and dripping precum himself, Optimus reached for the lube and greased up his endowment, amazed at how much he wanted this. Rodimus was even more eager and could barely hold himself still as Optimus nudged at his opening. The entry was pleasurable for both of them, their cries mingling together. It took all of Prime's self-control not to plunge in to the hilt. He knew how easy it was to cause pain, so he forced himself to ease in slowly.
He saw Roddy wince as he sheathed himself fully. Are you okay? he whispered, feeling some pain filter through the link.
I'm fine, Rodimus assured him. It's just been awhile, and you're kind of big. I just need a minute, that's all.
Optimus pulled Rodimus upright, guiding him to lean back against him. He pressed against Roddy's back, loving the feel of his warm body, winding his arms around his waist. They were now connected on an intimate level, and they each let their emotional shields fall, sharing their emotions and sensations. He pressed loving kisses against Roddy's neck, enjoying the shiver of delight. Does this make you my bitch? Prime asked teasingly, and Roddy laughed, the movement increasing their desire that much more. Nobody would ever believe that Optimus could say such things!
Feeling ready, Rodimus began to rub against his lover invitingly. Taking the hint, Optimus bent him over once more, sliding out and back in slowly. Rodimus felt different than a femme, tighter but not as wet. This actually made the friction more pleasurable, and Prime's unit was leaking enough precum, in conjunction with the lube, to make the passage slick enough for them both. They both moaned in conjunction, arousal and desire mixing through the link, making it difficult to tell who was feeling what. Optimus picked up the pace, loving the incredible tightness squeezing him. Being inside of Roddy was incredible! In return, Rodimus was enjoying the penetration, the feel of Prime's rod rubbing against his receptive inner circuitry. He had really missed this, and the very fact that Optimus Prime himself was delivering such pleasure made him want to climax immediately. As it was, that wasn't too far off.
Optimus hissed as Roddy squeezed him, feeling a tingling of impending orgasm deep within his shaft. One hand clutched the red, curved hip as the other curled around Roddy's dripping erection. Sharp stabs of pleasure shot through the link, bringing them ever-closer to the brink of release. To be connected, body and mind alike, was simply overwhelming. Rodimus relished the hot, hard interface sliding in and out. Reality was so much better than his fantasies! The thick blue head rubbed against a sensitive spot and he cried out, hands clenching on the bed, his own erection squeezing. The need to cum spread through their link, and Optimus realized that he was just seconds away from climaxing as well. He leaned over Rodimus, pressing his chest against the trembling back as he pounded forcefully into his willing body. Deeper! the young Autobot begged, mindless to anything but the feeling of Optimus within him, and his impending release. In response, Prime worked himself harder than ever. The stimulation proved to be too much, and their minds cried out in mutual pleasure. Roddy's legs stiffened, his whole body frozen, as his interface exploded, firing spurts of fluid. Optimus was cumming at the same time, emptying his own essence into Roddy's willing, shaking body. Their release swept through both of them, echoing through the link, until both of them were drained. Optimus rested limply against Rodimus' back, as Roddy leaned against the bed, arms trembling with the effort of holding him up. They separated weakly and dragged each other onto the bed, where they collapsed in each other's arms.
Thank you! Rodimus panted. It couldn't have been better. He caressed Prime's lips with his own.
Optimus returned the kiss. It was good for me too. I never knew it could be that way with a male.
They lay limply and wearily in each other's arms for a short while. It was so good to finally be honest about the desire between them, and to allow it to bring them even closer. Optimus sighed as Roddy's hand began to explore him once more, caressing his side, his chest, his waist. Optimus groaned softly as, to his astonishment and disbelief, his interface stirred to life once more. He stared at it, goggling. I don't believe it!
You've got some damn good stamina! Rodimus grinned.
Stamina nothing. I think you've bewitched me! Optimus muttered, covering his face with one hand. Two climaxes weren't that unusual for him, but a third time was definitely pushing it. He didn't know if he was really ready for another go, but Rodimus was feeding his arousal through the link, ensuring his readiness. A strong hand wandered down to grasp his already aroused blue erection. It was a bit sensitive from all the recent activity, but Rodimus somehow made him want to go yet again. Roddy took his sweet time stroking and rubbing him into a frenzy. He cried out and jerked upwards when his rod slipped past those sweet, pouting lips. Primus, how could he want this so badly, after having been drained twice?
Nimble fingers traced his hips and thighs, then rounded his backside. Optimus squirmed pleasurably under the attention, then stiffened when the touch grazed his recharge port. Rodimus felt fear spread through their link, and he assuaged it as best he could. I promise I won't hurt you, he soothed. If you don't like this, we can stop. I don't want to do anything to upset you.
Optimus looked uncertain. He did enjoy Roddy's gentle yet stimulating touch, but he could not keep the bad memories from surfacing. He had been violated in the worst way when he was so young, and he was terribly afraid to open himself to the same experience. But he trusted Rodimus implicitly, and he had come to crave his touch. He knew that Roddy would do his best to bring him nothing but pleasure. Rodimus was the most selfless, giving person he knew, and right now his friend just wanted to give him some pleasurable memories to erase the long-held pain. He gave Roddy a weak smile. I'll give it a try, he whispered, unable to keep a flutter of fear from going through him.
Roddy gave him a mental kiss as he generally doused his fingers with lube. Prime found that he could not relax, seized with a sudden bout of nerves. To calm him, Rodimus concentrated on his oral stimulation, his other hand gently caressing Prime's backside. At first, Optimus remained rigid, but Roddy's touch gradually relaxed him. To his surprise, he found the touch at his rear to be rather pleasurable. A fingertip began to caress the rim of his entrance, and he gasped, feeling a surge of pleasure. The finger slipped in just slightly, and he tensed against the intrusion, but forced himself to relax. This wasn't going to hurt. Rodimus was taking special pains to be gentle. He found that he rather enjoyed the way he was being touched, and he nodded slightly for Roddy to continue. The younger 'bot continued to suck and slide his lips up and down Optimus' engorged length as he gently eased his finger in deeper, taking care to rub against the receptive inner sensors.
Optimus found himself spreading his legs wider, encouraging more, until the digit was all the way in. Oh, gods, it was good! So very good! He could plainly see why Rodimus had begged him for this earlier. To be touched in such a manner was quite intimate and very pleasurable indeed. He felt a brief flash of anger Imperious had turned what could have been an enjoyable experience into something shameful and violating. He felt Roddy's reassuring aura wrap around him, soothing it away. That was in the past. There was no place for negative feelings here. Ah, yes, Roddy, he moaned. Deeper, please! The finger was in as deep as it would go, but he slipped in a second one for extra fullness. Optimus began to buck and whimper as he worked them in and out, stroking him intimately. Rodimus was inside him, giving him some very personal pleasure, and it all felt so incredible! He thought back to how Rodimus had begged him for more as he took him from behind, how the link had been flooded with unimaginable pleasure, how Roddy had trembled as he had worked himself within him. The two fingers already felt divine, but how would it feel to have Roddy's gorgeous thickness within him? Wouldn't it be immeasurably more satisfying?
Images warred in his mind Imperious bending over him, flipping him over and pinning him down, laughing cruelly as he cried and begged him to stop; Rodimus smiling at him, kissing him, telling him that it would be all right, whatever happened was his choice, there would be nothing but pleasure. He reached out, and Roddy drew him close in a mental embrace, chasing away his fears. It was okay; he was safe, nothing would hurt him. They might never have another chance at this. Do you want me to get up? he asked timidly.
Rodimus gave him a dazzling, loving smile. No, I think it would be better if we did it face-to-face. It's more personal that way.
I'm ready. He couldn't help but feel nervous, but he was also excited with anticipation. He watched Roddy slide out his fingers and spread the moist lubricant over his very ready erection, loving the sensual movement. He was seized with a sudden desire to see Rodimus pleasure himself, but that was for another time.
Rodimus watched his reaction very closely as he brought his interface closer, gently rubbing at the small entrance. Optimus felt a small twinge of fear and brushed it aside, spreading his legs slightly wider in invitation. Slowly and carefully, he eased the red tip inside, then stopped to allow Optimus to adjust to the sensation. The prone Autobot sighed at the feeling, urging Roddy on, who slipped in a little further. The penetration was excruciatingly slow for Rodimus, who found it very difficult to hold back with the divine tightness squeezing and massaging him, but he wanted this to be enjoyable for Optimus. It was rather uncomfortable for Prime, but the slowness allowed him to adjust, and he found himself craving every inch of Roddy's hot metal deep inside him. Bit by bit, both of their needs were satisfied, as Rodimus finally was fully sheathed within Prime's willing body. Shivers of delight passed to each other through the link.
Roddy caressed Optimus' chest and abdomen as he began to slowly thrust. Optimus moaned softly as his inner circuitry was stimulated. It felt so good to have Rodimus inside him! He was so very, very glad he had agreed to this. The sensation was unlike anything he had experienced before. It felt so good to be touched on the inside, so intimate and very stimulating. Roddy whimpered as he frictioned in and out, half-mad with need. Prime felt weak and dizzy with desire as he entangled a leg with Roddy's, trying to press him ever closer. Mmm, deeper! Yes, harder! he begged, feeling a frantic need seize him. He grasped at the thrusting hips, encouraging a rougher ride. Roddy began to tremble. Optimus was so warm and slick and tight! It felt so good! He never wanted it to end!
Prime arched, trembling, loving the feel of Roddy's firm, hot erection sliding into him so sweetly. Oh it was so delicious, he couldn't last much longer! Roddy was close to the brink as well, his arms shaking as he fought to hold himself up. Optimus clutched his back, hissing as his young lover began to caress his entire body with his own, sandwiching his erection between them. Their essences mingled and surrounded each other, kissing and stroking, trading emotions and sensations. It was a dynamic form of mindsex that left them frantic for release. Optimus swore softly, and Rodimus gasped, surprised at how arousing it was to hear him say such naughty things. He bit his lip as his back arched, crying out helplessly, unable to hold back the climax that seized him in a mighty grip. He thought he would simply short out under the massive release! Optimus crested at the same time, his own erection spurting and spreading a slick of wetness between their heaving chassis. Rodimus was in him and around him, and it was all too much!
Rodimus collapsed on top of him, shaking with aftershocks. Optimus lay limply below him, dazed but immeasurably satisfied. It had been such an incredible experience. He loved Roddy so much! Rodimus caught that thought and gave him a sweet smile, sliding out of him and moving to lay weakly at his side. The two lay entwined as they drifted off into recharge, drained and happy. They didn't even notice the hiss as the virus antidote spread through the ventilation system.
Some time later, Rodimus awoke to see Optimus staring at him. The elder Prime's expression was hard to read, but it was plain that he was uncomfortable with what had happened between them and was unsure how to deal with it. Please, Optimus, don't hate me, he whispered almost piteously. He couldn't bear that!
Prime's expression softened. I could never hate you, Roddy. There was a long silence. Neither was exactly sure what to say.
Are you going to tell Andromeda? It wasn't exactly the best thing to say, but Rodimus had to know.
Optimus sighed. I can't keep this from her. She has a right to know. I had a feeling she saw this coming. She'd joke about it with me sometimes. But now that it's become a reality, I don't know how she'll handle it.
The side of Roddy's mouth quirked up in a smile. You never know. Some femmes like the idea of two males together. Maybe you'll get lucky.
Optimus looked upset. I just hope I haven't ruined things with her, and with you. You both are so important to me. I'd never want to lose that.
Rodimus gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead, and Optimus looked pleasantly surprised. Things won't change between us. We're too close to let this come between us.
Optimus offered him a shy smile. Rodimus had really gone out of his way to give him pleasure. Whatever happened, it was something he would never forget. Roddy gave him a hug through the link. Their time together had been special. Who knows? Maybe they could do it again sometime.
The End
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