Short Surprises
by Phoenix
rating: ***+p

Read this fic before 'Eyes Wide Shut' or else you won't understand much of what goes on...... Hope you like! :) 'cackle'
Springer leaned back against a bench top with his arms crossed over his broad chest, and watched as his bonded partner, Arcee, had an earnest discussion with the Femme Commander, Elita One. The pink femme was totally engrossed in the conversation, her hands gesticulating when she made a point and her head bobbing up and down whenever she agreed with whatever it was Elita was saying.
Springer loved to watch his mate in action, to watch her responses, her movements - she always fascinated him. Especially the small quirk she would get in the corner of her full lips when she found something amusing. That made him yearn to pull her into his arms and smother her upturned face with loving kisses. It intrigued him how love made him see a femme differently. Before, he would look upon a femme as a potential partner for bed sport only, he had not stopped to think about actually 'loving' a femme to the point where everything she said or did sent a shiver of longing and desire down his back and where a simple smile could make his energon pump beat wildly in his chest.
Springer jerked his head up, 'Huh?'. Arcee was standing in front of him, an amused smile on her lips, 'Nice daydream? I'm finished now, we can go and do whatever you like for the rest of the day. Sound good?'
Springer let out his breath slowly, 'Sounds great.' Right now he could think of nothing else but burying himself between her legs and thrusting until she screamed his name. His optics dimmed, his mouth twitching at the erotic thought.
Arcee noticed, and immediately deduced what he was thinking about. Quickly glancing around the command center, she saw that its occupants were all busy and not looking in their direction. She stepped forward, snaked her arms around his neck, pulled his head down to her height, and kissed him with as much vigour and passion as she could muster.
'MumppphhhHH!' Springer was rocked off balance, finding himself pushed back against the bench he was leaning on as she ground herself against his body, her mouth pressing hard on his. He started to respond, his hands grabbing her waist and -
'Ahem,'. The pair stopped and looked around, seeing Optimus Prime standing at the center entrance with one optic raised and his hands on his hips, 'Do we have to put up signs now saying, 'no fraternising in this command center'?'.
Arcee managed to look embarrassed and a little guilty at getting her mate in trouble with the boss. Springer only smiled wickedly, 'We're a little busy here, do you mind...?'
Prime laughed, 'Go on, outside you two, don't start giving Elita ideas.'
Arcee removed herself from Springer's embrace, grabbing his hand and tugging him along with her as she exited the room, the Autobot commander shaking his head in amusement when they left.
* * * * *
Arcee and Springer turned down the hallway with one task dominating their CPU's - finding somewhere to interface *right* now.
'In here,' Arcee gasped, pulling her mate into a deserted room and locking the door. As Springer bent to possess her panting mouth, his optics caught a glimpse of something familiar.
'We can't do it here!' he wrenched his head back up, staring around the room in horror. They had stumbled into Optimus Prime's office. Arcee grabbed the back of his head and forced it down, 'Right now, I don't care!'.
'Arcee, no!' Springer blustered.
'Then you better take me quick before he comes back,' she responded, earnestly tugging at him with both hands. Springer gazed down at her, seeing the desperation in her expression - desperation that was suddenly mirrored in his own optics. Without another word, he lifted her up and sat her upon the wide desk of the Autobot commander, thrilling in the expectation of what he was about to do in such an unauthorised place.
He stood between her legs as her thighs fell open to accept him, her hands pressing against his chest as she watched him remove his codpiece. When he reached to take off her breastplate, she stopped him, shaking her head, 'No Spring, no time, he could be back any moment,'.
Springer grinned, 'Ok, you asked for it,'. Without any further delay, he placed the head of his hot erection to her dripping interface and smoothly pushed inside, Arcee dropping her head back and clutching at his hips as he settled himself within her. She moaned loudly, the sound cut off when Springer placed his hand over her mouth, 'No noise,' he whispered, thrusting quicker and harder, feeling her bite into the palm of his hand to stop herself from screaming. Springer's hips brushed her inner thighs, his tempo picking up as the sheer naughtiness of their coupling in Optimus Prime's office set him alight. The force of his thrusts caused Arcee's body to jerk upwards in time with them as he panted over her.
Her sleek body trembled and shook as her orgasm began, her legs tightening around his waist and her hands gripping his waist. Springer threw himself forward over her and climaxed with her, biting her shoulder to keep from crying out his pleasure as his hips pumped against her shuddering body.
They lay recovering for a moment, then Springer pulled his now limp interface from her and straightened up, giving her a hand to hop down from the desk. Springer replaced his codpiece and gave the room a quick glance to see if they had disturbed anything in their wild interface. Nothing was moved.
As they left the office, they saw Optimus coming down the hallway. Luckily, his head was down, reading a report that he held in his hands. Springer quickly closed the door and they walked calmly away from the scene of the crime, Arcee biting her lip to keep from giggling. If only Prime knew what had happened......but then, the pair didn't know Prime had a closed circuit camera monitoring his office at all times.......
The End
Now see the consequences in 'Eyes Wide Shut'!! Whohooo!!
go to Part Two: Eyes Wide Shut
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