Precious Things
by Phantom

The blame for this one goes out to Phoenix, who insisted that Alita receive something more interesting in the packet that Prime gave her before she left for her mission. Namely, Optimus on a bearskin rug. Where a Transformer would get a bearskin rug is beyond me....
Chapter Six (alternate)
rating: ***+m
Alita gazed at the viewscreen, watching her home recede into the distance. She twisted her hands in her lap, trying to regain control over her rampaging emotions. She had to be strong now and calm herself for the task ahead. She couldn't allow any emotion to cloud her judgment. When she felt that she had regained control, she decided to prepare herself for her mission. She turned and picked up the packet beside her, eager to immerse herself in last-minute details. She frowned at the paper she withdrew. This wasn't the standard last-minute briefing- the format was completely different. What could it be?
She gasped, her hand flying to her mouth as she read the last message she would ever receive from her lover.
My Dearest Love,
Perhaps this isn't the ideal going-away present, but I wanted to let you know how much I love you. I understand all too well the pressures you are under at the moment, and I figured this little gift might help to relieve a bit of the tension. I had been saving it for the night I would have proposed getting bonded, but sadly that day will never come. I know that I will never be able to forgive myself for what I've had to do, but at least I can make your last few days more enjoyable. I feel such pangs of emotional agony when I think about never seeing you again, how you will never again ambush me in my office and have your way with me, or hide under the desk and pleasure me with your soft mouth while I try in vain to get some work accomplished. Strange that the little things that used to irk me will be those that I look back upon with the most fondness. My love for you will never die. You will always be in my heart.
All of my love,
Dying of curiosity, Alita reached into the packet once more and withdrew its contents. Her jaw fell open in utter shock. This certainly wasn't like the Optimus she knew, who was usually such a stick-in-the-mud about mixing sexual adventure into their jobs. Her optics voraciously devoured the large glossy photo before her of her lover, stretched languorously out on an enormous Transformer-scaled reproduction of a bearskin rug, a key piece of armor conspicuously missing between his legs as well as on his face. His optics were dimmed to a dark violet, and his metal skin was beaded with coolant as he pouted sensually at the camera; but what drew Alita's gaze was the erect interface nestled between his parted thighs, straining upwards, just begging for attention. His hand lay on his thigh, caressing the metal suggestively.
Alita's leg shifted as a tingling sensation began between her legs, causing the packet balanced on her lap to slide to the floor. As she bent to pick it up, she felt a weight inside and realized that there was something more. She reached inside curiously and withdrew a Playbot vidmag with a yummy green male posing suggestively on the cover. She tossed it aside without a second glance, preferring the amateur photo in front of her. Seeing that the package still was not empty, she reached in and withdrew a vibrator.
Alita smirked at the phallic toy. "He certainly knows how to send a girl off in style," she purred. She was determined to enjoy her last few days to the fullest.
She turned her attention back to the sensual picture in front of her, running her hand down her sleek throat slowly. The sensitive circuitry, long neglected, surged into life. She shuddered at the sensations. Ironic that it had taken a suicide mission to find a few peaceful minutes all to herself. She couldn't complain, though, since she knew that Optimus had it even worse. Sometimes he had to seal the door, deactivate his communicator, and take matters into his own hands to find relief, so to speak. Poor guy- it was sad, but she couldn't help giggling.
Her hands moved lower, fingertips circling the edges of her breastplate. The sensory peaks underneath seemed to be melting with fiery heat, and a small whimper escaped her lips. She wanted to rip off the oppressive armor and stroke the orbs underneath, but the suspense was too enjoyable. 'I wonder what Optimus was thinking about when he took this picture,' she mused. 'He certainly looks rather happy. Probably was thinking about what I'm doing right now.' Below, her interface began to give off small twinges, demanding to be satisfied. A shudder jerked through her body, and her hands instinctively pressed on the release panels, removing the concealing armor. Her breasts kissed open air, and the metal skin pricked with oversensitivity.
Alita forced herself to sit still, surveying the exposed expanse of metal, until the throbbing beneath her legs became unbearable. Her hips shifted on the chair of their own accord, searching to assuage the ache but only stoking the flame. Her fingertips inched across the orbs, delicately fingering the peaks, sending ripples of pleasure down through her belly. She began panting lightly at the irresistible sensation. Oh yes, it had most definitely been too long since she had done this. Still, she was doing it now, and never had her own touch felt so good.
Her desire grew as she focused on the erotic photo before her, but still it was not enough. Unfortunately it couldn't interact, which was what she wanted. She got more turned on by fantasies than by still images. The mind truly was the greatest erogenous zone, and she had quickly learned what pleased it the most. Her mind began to wander, calling up memories that were sure to get her fuel pumping. She smiled fondly as one of her favorite memories came to her -- the first time she had caught Optimus masturbating. She had come home earlier than usual, having canceled a briefing, and stumbled upon his auto-pleasuring. She had nearly cried out and given herself away, but she had managed to stay quiet and watch the show, which was spectacular.
Her pants grew louder as the remembered images had a strong effect on her aroused body. In her mind, Prime's optics were closed in silent ecstasy, his hand pumping smoothly away at his erect unit, coolant gathering on the overheated metal. Even in the midst of private stimulation, his reactions were subdued and controlled until the last minute, as if he were almost afraid to let go. That was her job, to get him to loosen up. She squeezed the large spheres, relishing the sensations, as her lower armor became slightly damp. She moaned freely as she felt wetness gather between her folds. 'How devious,' she thought in amusement. 'He manages to get me wet even when he's not here!' They had both become used to auto-stimulation since the other was rarely around, but when they managed to grab a few minutes alone they became like animals in heat.
Her hands left her chest and slid down her smooth belly, tracing circles on the heated metal as her mind changed tracks, focusing in on another memory. She and Optimus had both been so incredibly busy at one point that they had not seen each other in nearly a week. They both had an important briefing to attend in a scant few minutes, but as they passed each other, heads bent in concentration and some part due to exhaustion, their optics locked and a silent message passed between them. Alita abruptly turned and followed him to a cramped storage closet whose door refused to lock. "Gotta get that fixed," Optimus had growled in her ear as he drew her close. "Never know when we'll need this spot again." Then, without preamble, he had ripped off his codpiece and her lower coverings and delved into her, not even bothering to remove her breastplate in the scant few minutes they had.
Unable to bear the suspense and building sensations any longer, Alita rose from her seat, causing the pool of lubricant to begin trickling out of the seams of her sod piece. She thrust her hips against the console roughly as her interface frictioned within the armor. It was not enough to soothe the burning ache, so she hastily unfastened the clasps and tossed the metal aside, groaning as a rush of air cooled her overheated circuitry. Her fingers moved instinctively to the raised nub that crowned her sexual equipment, biting back a shriek as hot surges ran down the sensor node. She was becoming more fevered by the minute, unable to take it slow any longer. The teasings of the past few minutes had whetted her appetite, and now she wanted satisfaction. Her hand frictioned against the blazing circuitry, tickling her lips, then probed at her entrance. The digit slipped in effortlessly until it was completely sheathed. She quickly added another, crying out at the luxurious sensation of fullness.
'Too bad Prime's missing out on the show,' she thought with a smirk as her hips pumped against her thrusting hand. Seized with a sudden thought, she quickly scanned for hidden cameras, but the scan came up empty. She hadn't really expected anything since any transmission from the ship would have given her position away, but she knew that Optimus was a closet voyeur.
Her gyrating hips bumped against the console before her, and she began to rub against the edge, losing all reason in her lust. She whimpered as the throbbing between her legs grew more intense. She wanted more; she wanted Optimus between her legs, but since she couldn't have him there had to be some substitute. Her optics fell upon the opened package. Of course, how could she have forgotten? Alita removed her thrusting fingers, moaning slightly as the delightful frictioning stopped, then headed over to where she had placed the packet's delectable contents. Her fingers glistened wetly, and she placed them in her mouth, sucking them clean. That never failed to send Optimus into orbit, and occasionally she let him have a taste.
She found the object she was looking for, running her fingers lovingly over the cylinder shape, gazing at it with lustful optics. She kissed the tip of the vibrator, then halted, a naughty thought entering her CPU. She gazed thoughtfully at the shuttle's bay window on the side, where stars whizzed by outside. She turned back to the control panel and found the knob that controlled the window, twisting it until it became opaque, blocking out the stars, then took on a mirror's reflection. Alita sauntered over to the window, legs trembling slightly in anticipation as lubricant dripped down her thighs. She stopped in front of the window and took a long, lingering look at the reflection of her exposed body. She knew that she had a good figure, and the curious looks from the male half of the army confirmed it. While more attention would have been inappropriate, she didn't mind their gaze. She found some of them to be rather attractive as well.
Her optics took in her parted, full lips, her swollen breasts whose tips seemed to glow with energy, her taut belly, and then her interface port, open and glistening, crying out for attention. She smiled at her reflection and grasped her breasts in both hands, watching avidly as her twin did the same. Her reflection arched her back and thrust out her chest as another trickle of liquid slid down her heated interface. Her hands trembled slightly as they slid down her smooth metal, optics riveted on the motions that were mimicked in the mirror. One hand lightly toyed with her aroused interface, making her keen out loud in desperation, tracing the damp folds. It was almost as if her reflection was someone else, that she was watching another female pleasure herself. She stepped forward, watching the other advance as well. She pressed herself against the mirror, watching her breasts connect with her reflection yet feeling only the chill from the window, not the warmth of another body. She rubbed her breasts against the cold surface, feeling the tips stiffen even more at the chill. Her interface strained forward to friction against her reflection, and she gasped at the sight, a gush of fluid streaming out and streaking the surface. She winked at her twin, mere centimeters away, then kissed the window, keeping her optics online to see her reflection do the same.
She backed up slowly, watching her mirror twin retreat as well, the reflection slightly obscured by the trail of lubricant on the mirror. She was ready to begin the final stage of her pleasuring as the intense squeezings from deep within warned her that she had better finish herself off fast. She raised the vibrator and turned it on, feeling the comforting vibrations. She moved it to her breasts, panting as her double did the same, sliding the vibrating tip over her burning peaks, sending great spikes of sensation down to her molten interface. Her hips pumped at the empty air, searching to extinguish the burning. The phallus trailed down her belly, causing her circuitry to prickle, then made small circles down her thigh, becoming damp from the liquid streaking her metal flesh. Unable to bear the suspense, she moved the vibrator up her leg again to the straining, pulsing sensor node that stood out between her legs. She choked on a scream as it buzzed against the most sensitive part of her body, feeling her inner muscle cables spasm in preparation. Sensing her orgasm draw ever nearer, she guided the vibrator down her moist cleft, then abruptly plunged it in as deep as it would go. She watched in fascination as her reflection thrust against the phallus, hands working the toy frantically as her legs trembled. Her oxygen intakes began to hitch as climax began to swoop down to claim her. Her face screwed up in ecstatic agony as she forced her optics to stay online, wanting to watch her reflection cum with her. Her double's hips pistoned rapidly, her hand moving up to change the vibrator's setting to the highest possible. Liquid tricked from the corners of her optics as her interface squeezed, gripping the vibrator within fiercely, then fluttered into rhythmic contractions, wrenching a cry from the femme as she struggled to watch her reflection tremble with the buzzing phallus straining upwards from her spasming folds.
Her knees abruptly gave way as her orgasm faded, and she wilted onto the floor. She quickly regained her senses, and her inner cables twitched again, demanding more. She sat up, knees tucked underneath her, and once again her optics locked onto the femme before her, vibrator still protruding from her stretched nether lips. She began to work the toy within her once more as her index finger rubbed at her straining sensor node. This time her optics shut down of their own accord, unable to spare the power as her body expended energy in vast amounts. She bent forward, back curling over her splayed knees as her interface squeezed for all it was worth, sending tremors throughout her body. She moaned and writhed as her entire body was wracked by release, nearly blacking out as the pleasure faded.
She lay for a few minutes on the floor, somehow having shifted from being curled over her knees to flat on her back, the vibrator still buzzing away between her legs. She dreamily reached down and shut off the toy but left it between her gripping folds, enjoying the fullness it provided. Her release had been finally granted, and she had enjoyed it utterly. She wasn't quite yet ready for more, but she was determined to make the most out of the time she had left. Her wandering optics fell on the Playbot magazine she had tossed aside. Her interface twitched slightly at the sight, not yet ready to go again but intrigued by the prospect of more pleasuring, very soon. 'Hmm,' Alita tho ught to herself. 'I wonder if any of the guys in there are posing on a bearskin rug?'
The End
Now read the MST version by Nightbreak.
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