Red Hot
by Phantom

How're you doin', Red?
Red Alert looked up, startled out of his thoughts. Oh, it's you, Inferno.
Don't get all excited on my account! the red Autobot teased. Red Alert merely sighed and looked at the ground. This was serious! Aw, come on, Red. Tell me what's wrong. Maybe I can help.
The Security Director fixed him with a distressed look. I can't help but think of all the trouble I caused. Because of me we lost the Negavator, and a lot of good Autobots could have been hurt. All because I was too thick-headed and stubborn to seek help!
Inferno's strong hand patted his shoulder reassuringly. It wasn't your fault, Red. You were damaged. You're fine now, and everyone understands what happened. Don't give it a second thought.
Red Alert found himself instantly reassured by the touch. Well, a little more than reassured, actually. He felt a pleasurable flush spread through his entire body. It had been a long time since he had been really intimate with anyone, and it showed.
Inferno noticed a strange expression come over Red's face and wondered what it meant. 'He must still be upset about this whole thing,' he figured. 'Maybe if I talk to him about my problem, he'll forget about his.' Red, I've been feeling a bit down in the dumps myself, he confessed. Lately I've been real lonely, thinking about Firestar. I don't even know if she's alive! Some nights I just lie awake wondering what happened to her. I miss her so much it hurts! I'm so tired of being alone!
Before he even realized what was happening, Inferno found his lips caught up in a gentle yet passionate kiss. He froze briefly in surprise but soon found himself returning the kiss instinctively. It felt so good, after all this time of keeping to himself. He had forgotten how pleasant a simple kiss could be. Red's lips pressed against him hungrily and he answered the pressure eagerly.
Red pulled back suddenly with a gasp, a hand clapping over his mouth. Inferno! I'm so sorry! Oh Primus, what have I done?
Whoa, Red, calm down! Inferno urged. It's okay. It's really okay. I guess we've both been a little lonely lately.
Red Alert looked uncomfortable. I suppose you're right. I have been feeling somewhat alone of late.
Inferno smiled kindly and traced his lips with a finger, making Red shudder in enjoyment. I think we both need to do something about this, don't you? Before Red could reply, his lips were covered in a fierce, hungry kiss. He moaned against the pressure, feeling his interface stir beneath its cover. How he wanted to be touched! As if reading his thoughts, Inferno's hand began to rub up and down his back, stimulating him further. His own hand came around to massage Inferno's sculpted red aft. He realized that he had been staring at that aft recently. It felt even better than it looked! Inferno seemed to appreciate the touch, moving against the hand as he sighed.
Red Alert moaned in need as Inferno's hand came around to caress his chest in sensual circles, their lips meeting again and again. The hand slid teasingly down his front, and he emitted a long, low groan. His erection was at full attention, begging to be released. He hadn't been this desperate in a long time! He tried to take care of such needs himself, occasionally catching himself wondering what Inferno hid under that nice codpiece of his, but it just wasn't the same. Realizing that the attention was a little one-sided, his hand reluctantly left his lover's aft and trailed up his thigh. Inferno whimpered, his leg twitching. He seemed even more desperate than Red himself. Red, please! he gasped. I can't wait any longer!
Red was surprised that Inferno had become so thoroughly aroused so quickly at his touch, but he didn't mind in the least. Inferno was young and most likely had a massive sex drive that had to be satisfied one way or another. This time the pleasure would be his. With a deft twist, he removed the codpiece, allowing his young friend's endowment to rise to full attention. It was large and satisfyingly thick, painted a very suitable red to match his body. Inferno's head was tilted back, and his optics were dimmed in anticipation. Red Alert found the sight very erotic, his own rod still tightly pressed against his covering. Unable to resist, he reached out and traced it from tip to base. Inferno gasped, his entire body jerking. He just couldn't believe how much he wanted this! The hand wrapped around his shaft in a strong grip and slowly began to pump. His hips followed the rhythm instinctively. He didn't know if Red had been with any other males, or if he had just practiced on himself a lot, but the hand job was very skilled. His interface was harder than he could ever remember, straining away from his body at a nearly comical angle.
Red studied his young lover with great enjoyment as Inferno writhed and jerked in his grasp. He was really quite handsome, and it was a great pleasure to watch his expressions change as the grip on his cock tightened. Those sultry lips were currently trembling, needy whimpers slipping from between them. Ah god I can't help it! I'm gonna cum! Inferno suddenly gasped. His erection swelled massively around Red's hand, then a geyser of fluid erupted, spurting and spraying forcefully. Inferno could do nothing but moan in ecstasy as Red pumped him, extending his pleasure. Yes, oh yes!
He collapsed weakly against Red as his body began to come down from its sexual high. Sorry 'bout that, he muttered, shamefaced. I didn't mean to go off so fast. It's just been too long for me.
Red Alert smiled understandingly. It's all right, Inferno. I just enjoyed seeing it. You've got a magnificent body, you know.
You think so? Inferno said, looking very pleased. I'm glad. Red grimaced slightly and he realized that his companion was still armored and no doubt very uncomfortable. A sly smile stole over his face. Here, Red, let me help you with that! With one deft move, he unsnapped Red Alert's codpiece, releasing a large and very excited interface. Red groaned in relief at the release of pressure. Inferno was very pleasantly surprised at what he revealed Red's cock was red, with one white stripe down the center, ending in a white tip. Nice, he observed, stroking it lightly. The Security Director's legs trembled, and he was afraid he would collapse. He never wanted this to end! Inferno's touch was like silk, setting him ablaze.
Inferno watched Red's reaction closely, clearly pleased. He knew exactly what would drive his new lover crazy! Kneeling, he opened his mouth and slid the tip inside. Red's entire body stiffened as he cried out in delight. A drop of precum slipped out, and Inferno caught it, enjoying the taste. His lips gently worked at the head, drawing more precum out of Red Alert's willing body. Red's hands came around to clutch at the back of Inferno's head, silently begging for more. Inferno slowly eased the shaft further into his mouth, sucking and nibbling as he went, until he had taken all that he could. Then he began to slide the cock in and out, wrapping his fist around the end and pumping it. It was quickly becoming too much for Red. Slag, Inferno! he moaned. This won't last long! His lover merely smiled around his new toy and continued his ministrations. Red felt a pleasant tingling in the base of his rod and knew that release was just moments away. He whimpered helplessly as the feeling spread oh-so-slowly up his entire shaft. With a scream, he came powerfully, shooting jets of cum into Inferno's mouth. The younger Autobot did not seem to mind, swallowing as fast as Red could fire. Red moaned as his cock emptied what felt like a gallon of fluid. He had needed that so badly!
Good? Inferno asked, moving to brace Red Alert, who looked quite weak in the knees.
Oh yes, Red breathed, a wide smile on his face. Very, very good.
Inferno smiled. I liked it too. Just then he checked his internal chronometer. Aw slag, I'm on duty now. I'd better get going. He paused. I really enjoyed this. I'd like to do this again sometime, if that's okay with you.
Red looked quite pleased. I'd like that. 'Till then.
Inferno nodded. 'Till then.
The End
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